Friday, May 25, 2007

Where & Who - Lipodisolve

So which areas can Lipodisolve help people get rid of their extra fat and who is the right candidate to use this treatment?

Let's talk about WHO first.
Lipodisolve is basically suitable for those who are seeking to reduce localised fat deposits that are resistant to dietary changes or exercise. It is not used primarily for weight reduction, rather it used for body sculpting, perfecting the body. People who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning on pregnancy in the next 6 months are not suitable for Lipodisolve treatments. Also those who have severe liver or kidney problems, auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, or immunodeficiency are not candidates for Lipodisolve treatments either.

And comes the where, which parts of the body can Lipodisolve do its job?
Most people get these areas treated: abdominal bulges, love handles, back fat, saddle bags, thighs (inner and outer), side of buttocks, lower buttocks, arms, and double chins, cheeks and jowls. Lipodisolve can also help men to reduce chest fat, as long as there are no medical problems causing the accumulation glandular tissue in this area, Note that female breast cannot be treated as it is mainly glandular tissue. It can also be injected into Lipomas to dissolve them non-surgically. Injected more superficially, Lipodisolve can also remove cellulite - the lumpy, dimpled, orange peel appearance of skin that usually affects buttocks and legs.

What is Lipodisolve?

Lipodisolve is also known as Lipo Dissolve. It is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. The main ingredient in Lipodisolve being phosphatidylcholine which is a natural product found in our body. Its main role in the body is to help emulsify and breakdown fat and cholesterol and is a key constituent of our cell membranes and high density lipoproteins (the good cholesterol).

Lipodisolve is to be injected directly into fat deposits. It uses the body’s own natural methods of excreting fat to permanently reduce fat deposits. Lipodisolve has two ends which act like the ends of a magnet. One end is attracted to water, and the other end is attracted to fat. After injection, Lipodisolve surrounds the fat cell, which will become emulsified and soluble in the circulation where it is then removed permanently by the liver, bowels and kidneys.

The Victorian Cosmetic Institute is one of the pioneer centres in Australia to bring this treatment to the public. All of their procedures are carried out by doctors or overseen by doctors.